KUCHING, March 29 — The Sarawak government is coming up with a blueprint on sustainability to guide all government agencies, businesses and communities in achieving its desired sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg said the blueprint shows its responsibility in developing the state's natural resources.

“The blueprint will address concerns related to biodiversity conservation and natural resources management as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation and concurrently creating an enabling environment with modern infrastructure in tandem with the country’s Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0,” he said at the opening of the inaugural Malaysian Conservation Conference here today.

Abang Johari said Sarawak will also come up with masterplans to build smart cities that consider environmental sustainability.

He said the Kuching Smart City Master Plan has already been developed with low carbon mobility and smart city infrastructure being considered for the state capital.

“Nature, environment and biodiversity is indeed a matter that is very close to my heart and I would like to reiterate the fact that myself and the whole state are making steps to ensure that our biodiversity is properly managed,” he said, adding that Sarawak’s natural resources and forest areas are one of Malaysia’s main carbon sinks and biodiversity hot-spots.

He said responsible management is critical to support Malaysia’s commitment to maintain at least 50 per cent of the country under forest cover.

“As the premier of Sarawak, you have my word that Sarawak is committed towards preservation of six million hectares of land as permanent forests and one million hectares as Totally Protected Areas,” he said.

He said the state's commitment can be seen in the creation of the Ministry of Energy and Environmental Sustainability, which was announced last December 30 together with his new Cabinet.

He said the ministry is to coordinate and provide directions to the development of green, renewable energy and a pledge from the state to tackle world issues such as climate change and other biodiversity-related causes.

 “This is a pertinent issue and we hope to contribute to the needs of the world and mitigate carbon emissions as part of the green energy agenda that would drive sustainable energy transition to power various economic sectors in the state,” he added.

The three-day Malaysian Conservation Conference was attended by 300 delegates in person and virtually from various fields, including conservationists and field scientists, wildlife authorities, park managers as well as academics.