JOHOR BARU, Dec 30 — All related agencies and district offices in Johor have been ordered to be on full alert following the forecast of floods in the state on January 1.

The Tunku Mahkota of Johor, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim said he is monitoring the situation in Johor and would like to ensure that assistance would be extended to the people affected.

“Johor is expected to face floods from January 1.

“I have ordered all district offices and related agencies as well as Southern Volunteers (SV) to be ready for flood relief efforts and to extend assistance to flood victims,” said Tunku Ismail in a post uploaded in his official Twitter site today.

Tunku Ismail said SV would be mobilised to assist district offices and related agencies to ensure no flood victims were left out in getting assistance.

“I pray to Allah to bless and protect us all in facing the flood. May Allah blesses the Sultan,” he said.

Yesterday, the National Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (PRABN) issued an early flood forecast for Kelantan and Terengganu starting today while the floods are expected to start in Pahang and Johor on January 1.

PRABN under the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID) had issued the forecast following continuous rain warning on alert level issued by the Meteorological Department of Malaysia yesterday.

Forecast of early floods in Johor starting on January 1, will involve flood risk areas around Sungai Mersing, Sungai Endau, Sungai Johor, Sungai Skudai and Sungai Tebrau. — Bernama