KUALA LUMPUR, Sep 21 — Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin today said that Malaysia has reached the 80 per cent fully vaccinated rate among its adult population.

In a tweet, he said that Malaysia hit its target of 80 per cent at 1pm today, adding that the Special Committee on Ensuring Access to Covid-19 Vaccine Supply (JKJAV) would continue its efforts to ensure the remaining 20 per cent of the adult population are inoculated.

“At 1pm today, Malaysia reached the target of 80 per cent fully vaccinated adults among its population.

“Although the initial target was 80 per cent of the adult population, JKJAV will now endeavour to track down the remaining 20 per cent who have not or are reluctant to be vaccinated,” he said.



Meanwhile, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob congratulated Malaysians on reaching the country’s herd immunity goal, urging them to continue the fight against the deadly disease.

“Congratulations! 80 per cent of the adult population in Malaysia have been successfully vaccinated.

“Continue your efforts to fight Covid-19,” he tweeted.



Earlier today, the CovidNow portal reported that a total of 18,648,795 individuals or 79.6 per cent of the country’s adult population were fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as of yesterday.