KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 — The Ministry of Health (MoH) said today nearly two-thirds of level four and five recovering Covid-19 patients have Post Covid Syndrome, a condition with symptoms that could drag on for up to 12 weeks.

Those with the syndrome, dubbed the “Long Covid”, may show any of the five symptoms — fatigue, breathing difficulty while active, insomnia, coughing or anxiety. The ministry said its clinical tests showed 66 per cent of 1,004 Covid-19 patients receiving follow-up treatments had the syndrome.

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom, in an explainer on the syndrome said patients with the condition will still experience symptoms for up to 12 weeks, even when they are supposed to have recovered.

“And the symptoms cannot be explained with any alternative diagnosis,” MoH said in a statement, adding that specialist treatment will also be made available if necessary.

“Up to now, the only treatment we can offer will have to be based on the symptoms patients show (symptomatic relief) and the functions of the affected part of the body.”

The discovery of the condition means the ministry will have to monitor discharged patients closely.

MoH said it will schedule appointments immediately for post-discharge screenings, and urged those already scheduled not to miss their appointments.

“Meanwhile former Covid-19 patients that are still showing symptoms are advised to seek medical consultation and treatment at the nearest clinic or hospital,” it said.

“This is important to maintain optimum health and reduce any long-term complications,” the ministry added.

Research studies have found persistent fatigue to be present in at least 62 per cent of long Covid patients, according to the BBC.

The cases have been categorised as long Covid or post-acute Covid-19 syndrome, a post-viral illness which has proven to be more prevalent than initially imagined.

The general scientific consensus is that around one in 10 Covid-19 patients will still have symptoms 12 weeks later, the British based news outfit reported.