KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 — Johor Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (JPJKK) chief SAC Alzafny Ahmad is among six senior police officers involved in a transfer exercise effective June 21.

Inspector-General of Police corporate communications secretariat Supt Skandaguru Anandan, in a statement, said Alzafny would be appointed as Kedah JPJKK head and he will be replaced by Johor JPJKK (Strategic Planning) deputy chief ACP Abdul Aziz Ali with the rank of acting SAC.

The exercise also involves Kuala Lumpur Management Department, Service/Staffing Staff officer Supt Aniesa Hanum Ahamad, who will be appointed as Melaka Management Department chief.

In addition, Perlis Criminal Investigation Department (CID) (Intelligence/Operations) deputy chief DSP Sarih Salleh will be appointed as Perlis CID chief with the rank of acting Superintendent.

Another transfer sees Perlis Narcotics Crime Investigation Department (NCID) deputy chief DSP Mohd Zati Hamid appointed as Perlis NCID chief with the rank of acting Superintendent.

Meanwhile, ASP Management/Licence/Data Collection, Licensing Division, Sabah Management Department ASP Simiun Lomudin is the new Ranau district police chief with the rank of acting DSP. — Bernama