KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 — Upon finding out that the accreditation for the course they had taken has been revoked by the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), two student representatives from the LimKokWing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) expressed concern over their future.

A foreign student representative from the university who only wished to be identified as Mohamad said that more than 800 foreign students are affected by the issue including the visa renewal process that has been delayed up to 14 weeks.

“We, the students, are about to embark on our professional careers with great uncertainty and fear. Numerous Bachelors, MBA (Masters of Business Administration degree) and PhD courses have had their accreditation revoked by the MQA — this is because of LimKokWing’s inability to maintain certain requirements and standards set by the relevant authorities,” one of the students said during a press conference organised by DAP at their headquarters here.

Mohammed said that he started MBA in 2018 before the course was revoked by MQA in 2019 and was told by the university that he can finish the course but the “qualification” might not be recognised.

“It’s not just me, more than 800 foreign students are also going through the same thing,” he added.

Former deputy education minister Teo Nie Ching said that the program that the students signed up for was fully accredited but then revoked due to unsatisfactory quality of the course.

She suggested that the university should take corrective action towards the issue and reapply for the accreditation.

“So what the university can do is they need to take immediate corrective actions and then reapply for accreditation.

“For last year (since the revocation) until now, remedy action has not been taken or if they have taken any, it’s not good enough to persuade MQA to give them (LimKokWing university) full accreditation. I hope that LimKokWing can sort this out for its students,” DAP’s Kulai lawmaker said.