GOMBAK, April 30 — There is no proof that A. Ganapathy was beaten or tortured in police custody, said Gombak district police chief ACP Arifai Tarawe today.

He said Ganapathy was brought before the Magistrates’ Court three times — February 25, March 2 and March 6 — but never mentioned to the judge that he was beaten.

Ganapathy was also taken to hospital four times to treat an old injury on February 28, and then March 3, 6 and 7, but again, never mentioned being physically assaulted to medical personnel, Arifai added.

“Based on all the facts we have so far, we find that the complaints made by the victim’s family cannot be proven.

“He had an opportunity to bring it up with the judge and hospital staff treating him but never mentioned any foul play,” said Arifai today during a press conference at Gombak police headquarters.

“As a result, we surmised that the complaint cannot be proven but investigations are still ongoing. There are steps we need to take, such as getting more statements from the respective parties to assist us.

“I assure everyone that once investigations are done, we will send our findings to the Attorney General’s Chambers.”

Apart from that, Arifai also revealed that Ganapathy tested positive for methamphetamines.

On March 8, Ganapathy’s mother S. Thanaletchumy and her family were informed by the police that he had been released but admitted to Selayang Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

During his hospitalisation, Ganapathy was confirmed to have kidney problems, and his leg had to be amputated as well.

Ganapathy died at Selayang Hospital on April 18, leaving behind two children, aged five and seven.

Thanaletchumy made a police report after her son’s death, claiming that he had been beaten during his time in custody, which resulted in the amputation.

She also claimed Ganapathy had told her that he was beaten with a rubber hose by the police.

His family claimed the deceased’s health deteriorated as a result of the beatings, and that his swollen and bruised legs were evidence that he was beaten.