KOTA KINABALU. April 5 — After just over a month as an independent, Sebatik assemblyman Hassan A Gani Pg Amir has joined Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia today.

The former Warisan assemblyman officially submitted his membership during the party’s second anniversary dinner held at the Sabah International Convention Centre here.

His application was received by party secretary-general Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin.

Hassan Gani had announced his resignation from Parti Warisan Sabah on February 25 through an interview with national news agency Bernama.

The first time assemblyman who won the seat in the recent September 26 state election said that he resigned to support the government of the day, and would support Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin as prime minister.

He denied that he was paid RM10 million to leave his former party but said that he was willing to accept insults or bad words from the public, and even sacrifice his dignity for the sake of voters.

Warisan, snubbed by his betrayal had released a video of him taking an oath to stay with the party and sign an undated resignation letter.

However, the letter, sent by Warisan to the state assembly, was rejected by the State Assembly Speaker Datuk Kadzim Yahya who said that the letter did not reflect the current desire of the elected representative.