KUALA LUMPUR, March 9 — The police have clarified that a fresh probe initiated against local graphic designer Fahmi Reza Mohd Zarin is centred on an online post he made last year that allegedly slandered the Health Ministry.

Putrajaya district police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fadzil Ali confirmed with Malay Mail that investigations are in relation to a particular post which Fahmi made in October 2020, one containing a caricature of a figure resembling Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba.

The person in the picture is drawn with “Dr Adham” written on his name tag, with the illustration headlined with the word hilang, or missing in Malay.


Mohd Fadzil also confirmed a letter summoning Mohd Fahmi to the Putrajaya district headquarters tomorrow morning that was issued by the police.

A picture of the summoning letter was later uploaded by Fahmi Reza onto his social media platforms. 



A post shared by Fahmi Reza (@kuasasiswa)

“The order under Section 111 of the Criminal Procedure Code was issued by the investigating officer to have statements of witnesses recorded.

“It is for a case which is being investigated under Section 500 of the Penal Code, and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act, related to a post that contained slander against the Ministry of Health (MOH),” said Mohd Fadzil when contacted.

Section 500 of the Penal Code relates to defamation made against another person which is punishable with up to two years’ imprisonment or a fine, or both, while Section 233 of the CMA relates to improper use of network facilities or their services.

Mohd Fadzil added that a total of two police reports were lodged by MOH officials back in October against the designer after he made the post, which sparked this latest investigation.

Earlier this evening, Fahmi Reza had through his social media platforms, posted the picture of the summoning order that was issued to him.

The letter contained instructions requiring his presence at the Putrajaya police headquarters at 11am tomorrow to assist investigations by the district’s criminal investigations department.

The accompanying caption of Fahmi Reza’s post, however, says he suspects it could be two different posts of his that had triggered the investigations.

“The police never mentioned which two postings or graphics they are investigating.

“Based on the dates listed under ‘report number’ in the notice, is it likely (investigations are over) one post from February 2021, and another from October 2020, last year,” Fahmi Reza wrote in his post.