PUTRAJAYA, Feb 27 — Senior Education Minister Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin and four teachers today received the Covid-19 vaccine jab at the Putrajaya Health Office in Precinct 11 here.
Radzi, when met by reporters after receiving his shot called on Malaysians including more than 500,000 teachers nationwide to immediately register for the vaccine through the MySejahtera application.
He said the four individuals who received the first dose of the vaccine today were among the 55,539 teachers who are at high risk of being infected with Covid-19 and have been listed as recipients under the first phase of the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme.
“I don’t feel anything when receiving the shot. Alhamdulillah, everything was good and all Malaysians should take this opportunity and immediately register with the MySejahtera application to ensure the vaccination process runs smoothly,” he said.
Radzi said as the face-to-face school session would begin this Monday (March 1), the vaccination programme was to ensure that the teaching and learning sessions are held in a safe environment.
He said the Education Ministry would ensure that all the standard operating procedures (SOPs) that have been set are complied with in schools nationwide when the face-to-face school session begins.
On whether the student attendance will be made compulsory, Radzi said parents should write a letter to the school and provide supporting documents if their children were unable attend school due to certain reasons such as health issues.
On Feb 19, Radzi said face-to-face school sessions that had been postponed previously following a surge in Covid-19 cases would begin on March 1.
He said the decision would involve preschoolers, Year One and Year Two pupils while Year Three to Year Six pupils will start attending school on March 8. — Bernama