KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 — The government is developing a national digital infrastructure plan known as Jalinan Digital Negara (Jendela) as part of efforts to improve digital communications in the country, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

To be implemented under the 12th Malaysia Plan (2021–2025), Jendela will lay the foundation for comprehensive and high-quality broadband coverage facilities as well as prepare the country for the transition towards 5G technology.

“Jendela will be implemented through several phases. Phase 1 which runs from now involves an expansion of 4G mobile broadband coverage from 91.8 per cent to 96.8 per cent in populated areas.

“Besides that, mobile broadband speed will also be increased from 25Mbps to 35Mbps, in the process enabling 7.5 million premises to have access to gigabyte speed fixed-line broadband coverage,” he said in a statement issued today.

Muhyiddin said it will also involve the phasing out of 3G networks in stages until the end of 2021 for the consolidation of 4G networks and to strengthen the foundations of 5G ones.

Phase 2, meanwhile, will involve the transition to 5G, this after solid foundations are achieved in Phase 1 in line with plans under the 12MP.

At the same time, Muhyiddin said those in Sabah and Sarawak will also benefit from Jendela.

In Sabah, the prime minister said 382 telecommunications towers are being planned, while the existing 924 tower transmitters will also be upgraded under the Universal Service Provision (USP).

Besides this, 35 new telecommunications towers and 1,048 existing transmitters will also be commercially upgraded by service providers to expand the 4G network while 251,166 premises will have access to fibre optic lines.

“Attention will also be given to the people of Sarawak with 636 new telecommunications towers being planned and 977 transmitters in existing towers to be upgraded under USP.

“Another 49 new towers and 825 transmitters in existing towers will be upgraded commercially while 43,013 premises will have access to fibre optic lines,” Muhyiddin said.

The prime minister said the action plan will provide access to users to evaluate coverage and quality of services to facilitate planning and the construction of digital infrastructure so that users can be provided with comprehensive broadband and high-quality services in quicker periods.

In view of this, he urged state governments and local authorities, ministries and the relevant agencies to continue back the government’s aspirations in transforming communications services as a public utility in the nation’s drive towards the digital economy.

Muhyiddin also gave an assurance that Jendela will be monitored closely to ensure proper implementation nationwide.

“I have every confidence in the capabilities of the Communications and Multimedia Ministry (KKMM) and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in ensuring Jendela is implemented as planned,” he said. — Bernama