KUCHING, Aug 24 — The Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) has decided that social and official events involving large crowds will be permitted to have a capacity of 50 per cent of a venue’s size effective Aug 25, said its chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

Previously, a maximum of 250 attendees were allowed to attend any social events, depending on the size of the venue.

“The 50 per cent capacity depends on the size of the venue. For example, if a venue can accommodate a maximum of 1,000 people, 500 maximum will be allowed to attend.

“This is so that they can observe social distancing while in the venue,” explained the deputy chief minister during a press conference today.

He also pointed out that the state level National Day celebration to be held in Sri Aman this August 30 would also observe this new standard operating procedure (SOP) at all venues involved.

On another development, Uggah said 12 private health facilities have been approved by the Health Ministry to conduct Covid-19 screenings in Sarawak.

They are the Borneo Medical Centre, Kuching Specialist Hospital, Normah Medical Centre, Timberland Medical Centre, Klinik Kotaraya Samarahan, Rejang Medical Centre Sibu, PMG Medical Centre Sibu, Bintulu Medical Centre, Columbia Asia Hospital Bintulu, Borneo Medical Centre Miri, KPJ Miri Specialist Hospital, and Columbia Asia Hospital Miri. — Borneo Post