KUCHING, Aug 15 — Anglican churches will resume services starting tomorrow, said Bishop of the Anglican Church in Sarawak and Brunei the Right Reverend Datuk Danald Jute.

“With the whole of Sarawak now declared as a green zone, we are pleased to lift the suspension of all our congregational worship services beginning Sunday.

“The maximum number of worshipers at any one service remains at 130 persons, subject to the size of the building,” he said when contacted by The Borneo Post today.

Danald said the reopening of churches must go hand in hand with greater attentiveness to observing the standard operating procedures (SOP), which include wearing face masks, observance of physical distancing as well as proper hand hygiene.

Although the state was declared as a green zone, Danald pointed out that the Covid-19 menace was far from over.

As such, he called on to parishioners to remain vigilant and continue to do their part to help curb the spread of the virus.

“In a smoldering pandemic such as this Covid-19, one ember can change the game. It takes only one infected person to cause a flare of infections,” he said.

Last month, the Anglican Church decided to suspend congregational worship services starting July 26 until further notice due to the rising number of cases that occurred in Kuching, Samarahan and other areas.

In a statement, Danald said the affected parishes were the St Thomas Cathedral, Kenyalang, Samarahan, Batu Kawa, Tabuan Jaya, Tabuan Dayak, Stampin, Siol Kandis, Sungai Maong, Taman Malihah, Matang, Quop, Taee, Bengoh, Bunuk, Padawan, Lundu, Bau Mission District and Mundai.

On July 28, Kuching was declared a red-zone as it recorded 22 positive cases that day.

Following a drop in the number of locally-transmitted Covid-19 cases, Kuching reverted back to a yellow zone on Aug 3 and then back to green on Wednesday after zero local transmissions were recorded in the past 14 days. — Borneo Post Online