KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — Kean Wong, the editor of the controversial book titled Rebirth: Reformasi, Resistance, And Hope in New Malaysia which had a cover that allegedly insulted the country’s coat of arms, or “Jata Negara”, has been traced to be in Australia.

Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department (Investigation/Legal) deputy director DCP Mior Faridalathrash Wahid said that based on investigations, Wong celebrated Chinese New Year in Malaysia with his family earlier this year before returning to Australia at the end of January.

He added that based on information, Wong’s lawyer informed that the book editor has held Permanent Residence (PR) status in Australia for more than 10 years.

“We are waiting for feedback from Wong through his lawyer regarding investigations into the book,” he told Bernama.

He also explained that eight of the book’s writers as well as graphic artist, front cover artist and book sales advisor have had their statements recorded and that police also sought the views of two historians regarding the book.

He said they were still investigating the case and the results would be handed over to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further action.

The case is being investigated under Section 5 of of the Emblems and Names (Preventing Unlawful Use) (Amendment) Act 2016, Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act 1948, Section 8 (1) of the Printing Presses and Publication Act 1984 as well as Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998. — Bernama