KUALA LUMPUR, May 18 — Members of Parliament (MPs), regardless of their political standing, today were cautioned by the King not to drag the country into any further political crises with the situation compounded with the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“I would like to advise against dragging the country once again into a political mess that brings uncertainties while the people are still facing various problems and a difficult future as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic,” Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah said this morning. 

During his royal address of the First Meeting of the Third Session of the 14th Parliament, the Agong added that the decision to convene for only a day was also made after taking into consideration the situation of the pandemic. 

“I am confident the people will continue to unite and remain close among one another to develop the nation if they are not induced with the fire of hostility and disunity,” he said. 

All MPs were also advised to remain mature and be role models advocating positive values to the people, and not otherwise. 

Al-Sultan Abdullah said that differences in opinions should not be met with hostility and slander but should instead be the spark of new innovations to develop and unite the country

“All you honourable Members (of Parliament) must always display maturity in politics. 

“This includes being in tune with the concerns and worries of the people, championing the welfare of the people, holding on to the principle of justice, cultivating a culture of clean politics, not touching on sensitivities of religion, race, and neither the sovereignty and positions and the Malay Rulers,” he said during his address.