KUALA LUMPUR, May 12 — Kedah’s Opposition leader Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor today announced the formation of the Perikatan Nasional state government with the support of 23 assemblymen, effectively bringing an end to the Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir-led Pakatan Harapan (PH) state administration.

The PAS Jeneri assemblyman, during a press conferences broadcasted “live” on PAS Kedah’s Facebook, detailed out how 15 PAS assemblymen, along with two from Barisan Nasional (BN), four from Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) and two former PKR members, had joined forces.

Lunas assemblyman and state exco Azman Nasrudin as well as Sidam assemblyman Robert Ling Kui Ee are the latest defectors from PKR, who both today formally through a press conference left the party in support of the PN administration.

“It is with pleasure that I would like to announced that on May 12, 2020, on the 19th day of the Ramadan month, a total of 23 Kedah assemblymen have lost their confidence in the leadership of Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir as the Kedah mentri besar.

“With the loss of confidence, therefore the Pakatan Harapan government of Kedah has collapsed.

“In a mutual agreement, 19 from the 23 assemblymen present here today have agreed to form a new Kedah state government under the flag of PN,” Muhammad Sanusi said during the press conference.

He then explained that the candidate for the next mentri besar lies in the hands of the federal PN leadership, whom he said would decide on the nominees before presenting the list to the state government.

“There will be a consensus made at the federal level. I believe there is a consensus on who will be the leader, but that discussion is for those at the federal level.

“We won’t discuss such things among the state leaders. This will be discussed by the federal leaders; the presidents of all three parties,” he asserted.

The Kedah State Legislative Assembly has a total of 36 seats, with 19 required to form a simple majority.

Concerning the post of mentri besar, Muhammad Sanusi denied posters being circulated depicting him as the new mentri besar were legitimate, saying it was the work of cybertroopers.

“It’s (the poster) not real. I would have worn something more appropriate in the photo if it was real. This is the work of cybertroopers,” he claimed.

Muhammad Sanusi then expressed hope that the representatives forming the new state government would be allowed an audience with the Kedah Sultan to formalise the transition of power.

He added such matters concerning an audience with the Sultan were administrative procedures that would be arranged by the state secretariat’s office.