KUCHING, May 5 — Sarawak today recorded another two cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number to 525 since the first case was registered on March 13, state Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah has said.

He said one of the two was from the Kuching district, while the other from the Samarahan district.

“The cases are now being treated at the Sarawak General Hospital (SGH),” he said in his media briefing.

Uggah said nine positive cases have recovered after treatment and have been discharged, with eight from SGH and one from Miri Hospital.

“Out of the total 525 positive cases, 310 or 59.05 per cent have recovered after the treatment,” he said.

However, he said 77 cases of persons-under-investigation (PUI) are reported today, bringing the total number of to 5,402 to-date.

122 of the PUI cases are awaiting laboratory test results.

Uggah said 45 Sarawakians who returned from outside the state have been registered as persons-under-surveillance (PUS) and have been placed in hotels used as PUS centres and another 34 PUS cases have returned home after completing the mandatory 14-day quarantine at the PUS centres.

On the active case detection operations being carried from April 27 to May 3 at Taman Desa Ilmu and Uni-Garden residential areas in Samarahan district, Uggah said a total of 15,583 people have been screened for coronavirus.

He said three of them were later tested positive for the virus and have been admitted to SGH for treatment.