KOTA KINABALU, May 4 — The curfew in the waters of seven districts in Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone) which ends at 6 pm tomorrow has been extended to May 20, said Sabah Police Commissioner, Datuk Zaini Jas.

He said following the extension, residents are advised to stay indoors and are not allowed to enter the waters in the affected areas from 6 pm to 6 am during the period.

“Other people are also not allowed to enter or to be in the area during the curfew,” he said in a statement here today.

Zaini said the curfew order covers the waters of Tawau, Semporna, Kunak, Lahad Datu, Kinabatangan, Sandakan and Beluran districts.

He said the curfew was extended to ensure no intrusion in the waters by terrorists threatening the security of international researchers and foreign tourists in island resorts.

Zaini said based on information, the Abu Sayyaf militant group is still active in kidnapping for ransom and committing cross-border crimes.

He said the order is also to facilitate enforcement and monitoring of boat movements for the security of fishermen and chalet operators.

“I have given authority to district police chiefs in ESSZone to issue permit to eligible applicants for fishing or pressing needs in the curfew areas,” he said. — Bernama