KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 — Malaysians and all foreigners residing here are not allowed to move beyond a 10-km radius from their residences during the expanded Movement Control Order (MCO) period until April 14.

The new regulations known as the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases (Measures Within the Infected Local Areas) (No. 2) Regulations 2020 gazetted today, limits the population’s movement unless they have obtained special permission or are members of the essential services.

The new conditions for movement states that a person is allowed to move within the limit to purchase or deliver food, daily necessities, medicine or dietary supplement and is not allowed to be accompanied by anyone unless it is reasonably necessary.

The same applies when it comes to seeking healthcare, however the person may be accompanied by another person as may be reasonably necessary.

“For the purpose of controlling the movement of persons purchasing food, the owner or operator of, or person responsible for a business of selling food shall carry out business only by way of drive-through, take away or delivery subject to any direction as may be issued by the Director General,” said the regulation gazetted by Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba.

As for those who are travelling because of official duty, he or she must produce an authorisation letter from his or her employer if it is required by the authorities. Those working under the essential services sectors must also produce the document if it is requested by the authorities.

For those who need to travel beyond the radius due to special or particular reasons, they must obtain a written permission from the police officer in charge of the nearest police station to their residence.

Mass gatherings including for religious, sports, recreational, social or cultural purposes are still barred except for funerals with the condition that the attendance is kept at a minimum.

Citizens, permanent residents or expatriates returning from overseas must still undergo a health examination upon arrival in the country before they are allowed to proceed for immigration clearance at any point of entry and must comply with the directions of an authorised officer.

The public must also disclose any information pertaining to the prevention and control of infectious disease from any person or body of persons.

Individuals committing offences under this period are liable to be fined for a maximum of RM1,000 and/or a six months prison sentence.

Companies, associations, organisations or societies found to have committed offences during the extended MCO will also face the same penalties as an individual.

At the same time, Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi had also gazetted the price of surgical/medical masks and capped it at RM72.50 per box for wholesale and RM75 per box for retail.

The three-ply face masks have also been gazetted to RM1.45 per unit for wholesale and RM1.50 for retail.

Both were gazetted under the Price Control and Anti Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Price) (No. 2) (Amendment) Order 2020.