KUCHING, March 20 — Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah said the state Disaster Management Committee has identified four clusters as possible local sources of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in the state.

He said they were the Emmanuel Baptist Church Kuching, Good News Fellowship Church, DAP fundraising dinner at a local restaurant here on March 7 and Josephian Day at SMK St Joseph, Kuching, on March 13.

A senior pastor with the Emmanuel Baptist Church was the first person in Sarawak to die of Covid-19 on March 17.

DAP’s Bandar Kuching Member of Parliament Dr Kelvin Yii, who tested positive for Covid-19, attended the dinner along with other DAP leaders including secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and state DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen.

“The Sarikei cluster has yet to be identified,” Uggah said in a live broadcast over RTM Sarawak last night.

Sarikei MP Andrew Wong Ling Biu and his son, Jackie, are now being treated at the Sibu Hospital after they tested positive for Covid-19.

“I would like to appeal to those who had attended all these gatherings or those who have close contacts with those who have attended the gatherings, to immediately go to the nearest government hospitals for necessary health screening,” Uggah said.

“It is very important to you and everyone else,” he stressed.

On the movement control order, he urged the people to observe the directive issued by the government to stay at home as much as possible.

He said Covid-19 can spread easily in crowded places, particularly if someone who has contracted Covid-19 is present.

He said the places include bus terminals, coffee shops, wharves and jetties.

He also asked those who have been ordered to undergo a 14-day self-quarantine to complete the process.

He added they will be subjected to random monitoring through personal visits, phone calls and using modern technology equipment.