IPOH, March 17 — The Perak government will introduce measures to help those most affected by the two-week restricted movement order enforced to limit the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu said.

Ahmad Faizal said this included a one-off aid payment to the state’s hawkers and small traders via the local authorities.

He also said that the government will take over the repayment of loans and rent for select groups over a period of three months.

“These include repayment for the Yayasan Perak Microcredit and Entrepreneur Funds, Rumah Harapan, Perak Education Loans, Public Housing Hire Purchase payment and Basic Facilities Construction Scheme fees,” he said in a special address today.

Ahmad Faizal also said the state government has decided to defer monthly rent payments for those in the Perak State Housing Programme.

The state government will also expedite the payment of this month’s salaries of its permanent, contractual and part-time workers to March 19.

Ahmad Faizal explained that the measures were part of Perak’s early response to the unprecedented order Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced last night.

“We will continue to study for additional incentives based on the government’s financial capability,” he said.

Ahmad Faizal also reminded the public to avoid spreading false information about the Covid-19 outbreak, saying this could jeopardise public order and trigger needless panic buying.

“This will cause artificial shortages or reduce in the food supplies. Other consumers will not get the goods if people buy more than what they actually needed.

“This will also cause panic among the people and irresponsible individuals will take advantage of this situation and increase the price of the goods,” he said.

The control of movement order will start from tomorrow until March 31 and all non-essential services and activities must be halted during this period.

Only services encompassing utilities, telecommunications, transport, banking, health, pharmacies, ports, airports, cleaning and food supplies may continue operating.

Both inbound and outbound international travel will also be prohibited.

Intrastate individual movement is not restricted but mass gatherings are not allowed.