KUCHING, March 15 — Sarawak DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen today directed all party members and lawmakers who had close contact with Sarikei MP Andrew Wong Ling Biu in the last 14 days to self-quarantine for two weeks.

He said this was in compliance with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) set by the Health Ministry to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

“Most of us had last close contact with him on March 1, the day when Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was sworn in as the prime minister, and thus, we have passed the 14-day period,” he said.

He added that although he and Bandar Kuching Member of Parliament Dr Kelvin Yee had no fever, cough or other symptoms associated with the Covid-19 infection, due to the nature of their work, they underwent Covid-19 testing at the Sarawak General Hospital this morning.

“The results should be out by tomorrow,” he said.

Separately, DAP’s Lanang MP Alice Lau and Sibu MP Oscar Ling are taking necessary precautionary measures, including distancing themselves from crowds after disclosing that they had been in contact with the Sarikei MP.

The Borneo Post quoted Lau in Sibu as saying she had been in self-quarantine since her last contact with Wong on March 2.

“Since my last contact was on March 2, I shall quarantine myself for another two days (14 days from the last contact).

Lau and Ling were among the DAP lawmakers who had been in contact with Wong.

Ling said he has practised social distancing to the best of his abilities since March 2.

“Tomorrow (March 16) will be 14 days since my last contact with him (Wong),” he was quoted as saying by the Borneo Post.

Wong was among the 11 positive Covid-19 cases reported in Sarawak today, although state Disaster Management Committee chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah did not specifically name names.

He said the identities of positive Covid-19 cases are confidential.