KUALA LUMPUR, June 24 — The police arrested 14,759 individuals and seized RM3.8 million in cash and 10,361 pieces of equipment in operations launched against illegal gambling since the start of the year.

Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Huzir Mohamed said 8,775 illegal gambling premises were raided between January 1 and June 22, with 92 operators arrested.

Police also identified 160 gambling syndicates believed to be actively operating in Selangor, Kedah, Penang and Pahang.

“We found that the most sought after gambling activity is the public lottery with 120 syndicates operating this service.

“Besides this, we also identified 37 syndicates involved in online gambling,” he told a media conference in Bukit Aman here, today.

Huzir said owners and tenants found to have used their premises for gambling activities will not be spared from police action.

“Those found involved will face action under Section 4(1)(a), Section 4(1)(b), Section 4(1)(c) dan Section 4(1)(g) of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953,” he said.

Police are also working with the local authorities and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to cut off utility services and block gambling websites, adding that MCMC have been asked to block 1,270 websites identified to be promoting gambling activities.

Telecommunication operators such as Telekom Malaysia, Celcom, Maxis, Umobile, Digi are also working with the police by blocking gambling-related SMS, Huzir said, adding that local authorities have been advised to revoke the licences of business premises used by parties to sell lotteries without valid permits.

“In this regard,  the local authorities in Johor have been cooperating closely with the police by revoking business licences, with five cancelled in Johor Baru Selatan, two in Mersing and three in Kluang,” he said. — Bernama