KUALA LUMPUR, March 20 — Tun Daim Zainuddin called for changes in the education system to improve children’s knowledge.

The former finance minister said he felt Malaysian children need to be more exposed to the world so that in the future, they will make good decisions based on a calculated thought process rather than emotions. 

“Don’t treat education as political football,” Daim told academics during a talk at the “Naratif Malaysia: Melayu dalam Persoalan National” at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Skudai, Johor Baru yesterday.

“Our future, Malaysia’s future will depend on giving our children the right type of education that will allow them to be confident to face the best in the world.

“To do so, there are four sectors that we need to get right, which is politics, economy, culture and religion, and it starts with a better education system.”

Daim said exposing children to the world will make them want to excel in life and in turn, they will protect Malaysian culture and heritage.

Not exposing them will only result in empty heads ruled by emotion, rather than a proper thought process, especially in a multi-racial country like Malaysia, said Daim.

“I would like to advise you not to follow politicians blindly,” he said.

“There is nothing wrong with Islam. It is not under threat. It is the fastest-growing religion in the world.

“Our future, Malaysia’s future will depend on getting education right, then politics and economy will be right. Brains minus emotions will determine our future and the future of Malaysia.”