KAJANG, Feb 4 — New Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros) chairman Datuk Suret Singh has implored Malaysians not to wait for enforcement to abide by safety rules but be self-enforcers of said rules as it concerns their own safety.

Suret, who takes over as Miros chairman from Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye tomorrow, wants to follow the example from the Ministry of Health in implementing its ideas.

“As for rear seat belts, the transport minister has said it’ll be fully enforced in 2020, but we don’t have to wait till then. Start from today,” said Suret.

“Start wearing your rear seatbelts everyday and make it a habit. Self enforce ourselves as it’ll save lives.

“When MoH banned smoking I was worried about it but they did a beautiful job implementing it. It shows that Malaysians are polite and law abiding people and when the minister set the rules they followed.”

In 2020, the government will make child seats and rear seat belts for cars compulsory.

It will also enforce the use of passenger seat belts and CCTV cameras on all buses.

Meanwhile outgoing chairman Lee was asked if the added number of Automated Enforcement System (AES) speed cameras on the PLUS highways was a good idea or a burden for the public.

“When looking at the reasons for most accidents on the highways it’s due to speeding. I feel with adding more cameras it’ll help curb this problem,” said Lee.

“These cameras are from PLUS and I feel it’s a good idea to deter accidents.

“The public must be made to realise that these small measures can go a long way. Enforcement is one way to go forward but I can say there will never be enough enforcement officers. We must self-enforce.”

During the Chinese New Year period Miros said there will be an increase in road safety enforcements by 20 per cent.