KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 25 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak's latest PR campaign “Malu Apa Bossku” may be drumming up support for him, but with his upcoming court cases the people will not forget the scandals surrounding him, said Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin. 

Malaysiakini reported Khairy as saying the rakyat will not forget the scandals surrounding the former prime minister due to his upcoming court appearances.

However, Khairy acknowledged Najib's efforts in going down on the ground to campaign for BN during the Cameron Highlands by-election.

“He is helping out in the campaign. As long as he is able to go around and assist with the machinery, that is fine,” he said at the Kampung Pantos Orang Asli settlement in Pos Lanai, Jelai, where Khairy had been campaigning.

Earlier this month Najib launched a social media campaign which began with a photograph of him on a motorcycle with the slogan “Malu Apa Bossku”, which translates to “why does my boss have to be ashamed?”

The self-promotion was evident when he went on the ground to campaign, wearing T-shirts with the slogan and rode motorcycles.

When asked if he would address Najib as “Bossku” Khairy merely brushed the query aside and said Najib is no longer “his president”.