KUALA LUMPUR, July 23 — A total of 50,658 cases of rape, incest, molestation, unnatural sex acts, sexual harassment and domestic violence were recorded from 2013 to May this year, according to data from the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry.

From January to May this year alone, the Ministry has recorded 3,439 cases for all the crimes mentioned.

The figures were obtained and released by Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto after she requested for them from the ministry during the Dewan Rakyat sitting.

Kasthuri was given a 15-page written reply that she shared on her official Facebook account today.

“It is sad to see the statistics of sexual crimes, rape and domestic violence committed by our own people. With just a 30 million population, we are encountering so many such crimes.

“These are only the reported cases... what about the ones which have not been recorded or reported?” she said on her Facebook account.

“We must speak for the people who are unable to speak out such as the children, teenagers, women and men, who are the victims of these abuses,” she added. 

Selangor, Johor and Kedah were among the states which recorded the highest number of cases in all the categories for the past five years.

The written reply also points out that the majority of the victims are women, children and teenagers aged below 18 in almost all the categories.

“About 7,309 rape cases, 1,200 incest cases and 3,478 molest cases, involve children and teenagers below 18 as victims for the past five years.

“Whilst, around 984 unnatural sexual acts cases and 157 sexual harassment cases involve children and teenagers aged below 18 as victims since 2013,” the ministry said.

For unnatural sex acts, two cases involve sexual acts with animals in 2014 and 2017.

A total of 5,055 domestic violence cases involved victims aged under 25 since 2013.