KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 — A federal Islamic officer insisted today that celebrity entrepreneur Nur Sajat Kamaruzzaman needs to undergo a lengthy process in order for authorities to officially verify her gender.

On his Facebook profile, Mohd Izwan Md Yusof from Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) said the agency will only announce Nur Sajat’s gender after the process is completed and verified by a Shariah research expert panel.

“We wish to clarify that we agree to several processes that Sajat must go through to officially verify her identity.

“This process will take a long time since it involves many parties. It is expected to take one month at minimum,” said Izwan, a senior assistant director in Jakim’s family, social and community development division.

On Tuesday, Izwan met Nur Sajat and her parents at her office after requesting for a meeting to “know her better” amid public speculation over her gender.

Izwan was responsible for a controversial Jakim video on the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) last year, where it likened sexual orientation to horse-riding, claiming that when someone realises that he has “different” orientation from others and wishes to change that orientation, he should receive extensive training and guidance.

In December, it was reported that Nur Sajat will go ahead with her wedding by the end of this year.

Izwan’s open letter to Nur Sajat came after a viral video by Papagomo, the controversial blogger who has in the past faced police action for spreading unverified news, showing him calling minister in charge of Islamic affairs Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom to complain about her gender identity.

Papagomo, whose real name is Wan Muhammad Azri Wan Deris, had accused Nur Sajat of being a trans woman.

Malaysia’s Islamic laws prohibit same-sex relationships and cross-dressing.