KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — The month of Ramadan is in full swing and that means it will soon be time for zakat fitrah (personal tithe), an obligatory form of alms-giving by every able Muslim.
Thanks to online service providers, zakat fitrah payment is now easy and swift compared to the conventional method of making payments to zakat collectors, known as ‘amil’.
Financial services provider PayHalal has introduced an online feature on its website to enable a seamless online zakat payment for individuals living in the Federal Territories (PPZ MAIWP) , Kedah (LZNK) and Kelantan (Maik).
All you have to do is enter your personal information, select the type of zakat you want to pay and key in the contribution amount before proceeding to payment.
There’s also a zakat calculator for those who want to check the total obligatory contribution sum.
The website also allows other zakat contributions for income, savings, business and stock/shares.

Zakat fitrah rate for the Federal Territories and Kelantan has been set at RM7 per individual this year.
However, individuals who can afford to pay more may contribute RM14 or RM21, based on the type of rice consumed during Ramadan.
Zakat fitrah is obligatory for every male and female Muslim who can afford it, based on certain conditions. It can be paid in the month of Ramadan until the morning before Aidilfitri prayers on the first day of Syawal, which is Hari Raya.
Surf here for more information.