KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 15 — A newly wedded couple from Sungai Petani, Kedah had to answer their call of duty just a few days after their wedding reception.

The husband, Muhammad Ridzuan Osman, told Harian Metro that he and his wife, Nur Afifah Habib, were back to handling burial services in their personal protective equipment (PPE).

This time it was for an elderly man who was a Covid-19 patient.

The burial took place at the Masjid Al-Amin Sungai Layar’s Islamic Cemetrey on Tuesday evening while their wedding was on Sunday.

Ridzuan is a volunteer from a local NGO called Murtadha Dakwah Centre and he’s also the team leader for their Hang Cangkul squad which offers free burial services to the public.

He had received a call from a hospital requesting for their service to handle the burial of an 80-year-old man who passed away due to Covid-19.

Ridzuan added that he was used to being called up as he was an active volunteer and he also expressed his gratitude towards his wife who would always support him in his work.

“When I told my wife that I was going to handle a burial service for a Covid-19 patient, she immediately agreed to come with me to pick up the body at the hospital before heading to the cemetrey.

“I’m glad that my wife understands this kind of work, she even volunteered alongside me and the others to help with the burial process,” he said.

According to Ridzuan, he met with his wife about a year ago and they even went on a date in a funeral van along with other volunteers.

“My wife didn’t complain. She accepted it as it is because she knows that I don’t have any other vehicles and in fact, since then (the date) she became more active with volunteer work.

“After some time, my wife then decided to join our Hang Cangkul squad and we’ve been handling free burial services together with other volunteers,” he said.

Ridzuan added that he was grateful to have married an understanding woman who also has the passion to help the underprivileged community.