PETALING JAYA, July 14 — Malaysian celebrity chef Datuk Redzuawan Ismail has defended himself against Instagram users who berated him for going shirtless while swimming recently.

Redzuawan, who goes by the moniker Chef Wan, was criticised for exposing his aurat (intimate parts) when he posted videos of himself in swimming trunks while holidaying at a Langkawi resort.

Chef Wan, 62, also became the victim of body-shaming as some users posted mean comments saying he was out of shape and should cover up.

Chef Wan then responded in a lengthy Instagram post telling people to stop being judgmental and slammed those who came to his page to express holier-than-thou attitudes.


“These people can’t be that stupid to not know that all this time, I lead a very liberal life.

“This means that I don’t live in a stone cave. I interact with all kinds of people and I treat everyone with respect.

“It’s not like I’m going to go swimming in a jubah,” he wrote, referring to a long robe commonly worn by Muslims.




Ala sibuk la some of this people yang asyik nak bersyarah konon kita ni ambil gambar mandi di kolam tu nampak aurat, banyak tunjuk seluar pendek with all my friends lah. Ada yang coment tak malu ke dah tua nampak kan perut tu buncit dan tetek tu dah gelebeh. Dah tua gelebeh la semua! Law of gravity! Esok dah tua asyik mengata orang jangan esok bibir masing2 pulak Allah gelebeh kan.😂 Baru tahu nasib masing2. Tak kan la mereka ini bodoh sangat tak tahu yang selama ini i lead a very liberal life. Meaning saya ni tak hidup didalam gua batu bergaul dgn mcm2 orang dan semua pun saya treat with respect. Tak kan mandi di kolam renang nak berjubah pulak. Memang la saya dah tua badan pun gemuk dan boroi tetapi with great confidence and selfesteem. Itu sebab saya berani post gambar2 itu. I am comfortable in my own skin pun. Pi lah suluh muka dan badan masing2 pun kalau cantik sangat nak mengata kan saya ini. Bapak atau laki kau orang masing2 pun ada yg rupa dan badan mcm aku jugak! Sikit hari all of u are going to get to where i am too. I updated all those video because i wanted to laugh at my silly old self and hopefully make others laugh too. Dont be a bloody hipocrite always wanting to judge my life and put me down. By doing so i make others smile dan tak menyakit kan hati sesiapa pun. Yang kau orang risau tetek aku ni gelebeh dan perut aku ni boroi apa hal? Pi telanjang depan cermin tu suluh dulu badan masing2 jika cantik sangat kan.😂 Tak habis2 nak jadi ustazah dan ustaz. Tak habis2 nak jatuh hukuman. Mulut masing2 mcm haram jadah nak menyakit kan hati orang mereka tak sedar pulak. Suka hati aku la nak jadi ikan jerung ke atau badak berendam sekali pun! Kau Ado? Elok2 boleh follow my IG kan dah kena block now. Rimas manusia2 yang always think they are far holy and better than us.. Ada pulak tu menyindir yindir kita pulak mcm la kita ni banggang sangat tak faham maksud mereka. Is all this necessary? Kau tengok Ikan Dugung ni baring relax aja.. Tak pulak dia kisah the world around him. Nak tengok ..tengok tak suka unfollow aja. We have so much to learn from people attitude out there.

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Chef Wan went on to say that he was confident in his own skin and would not be brought down by insults towards his body that some users had posted online.

“I updated (my page) with all those videos because I wanted to laugh at my silly old self and hopefully make others laugh too.

“Don’t be a bloody hypocrite always wanting to judge my life and put me down.

“By doing (this), I make others smile and I’m not even causing hurt to others.”

Chef Wan’s followers also chimed in to express their support and told the culinary icon not to get beat down by the negative comments.

“Just ignore these empty cans, chef. My hubby has a potbelly like you too but I will love him until Jannah (paradise),” said one follower.

“Those who write negative comments have nothing better to do than to find faults with others.

“They should take a look in the mirror first,” wrote another.