WASHINGTON, April 1 — Washington DC has launched a 24-hour BloomCam to bring real-time footage of the cherry blossom trees to the 1.5 million visitors who normally visit the National Mall Tidal Basin every year.

In light of the cancellation of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, organisers have installed a camera that provides continuous live footage of the trees that ring Tidal Basin. Dubbed the BloomCam, the camera allows visitors to pay a virtual visit to the cherry blossoms and monitor the progression of their flowering.

The festival, which was scheduled to take place between March 20 and April 12, was cancelled mid-month in light of orders to practice social distancing. On Monday, DC ordered residents to shelter in place. 

Along with the BloomCam, virtual visitors will also find videos showcasing performers who were originally scheduled to participate in the 2020 event along with educational experiences for kids. 


Overall, more than 3,700 cherry trees erupt in blooms in the area every year.

Organisers of the National Cherry Blossom Festival also keep an Instagram account at https://www.instagram.com/cherryblossfest/. — AFP-Relaxnews