KUALA LUMPUR, August 16 — A 48-year-old man in Thailand was found dead at a bus stop near Pattaya, allegedly after eating durian with wine.

According to a report by China Press, next to the deceased was an empty wine bottle and a polystyrene container with durian.

When the corpse was discovered at 6.30pm on Wednesday, local police estimated the man had died for five hours.

The deceased’s friend and colleague, identified as Peng, revealed that the man had brought durian and wine after work with the intention of enjoying them while waiting for the bus.

Peng said he warned him that mixing durian and alcohol together might be fatal.

However, the man insisted that he wanted to do so anyway.

“I am a local, I am not afraid,” the deceased was reported to have said.

Peng then headed home, but when he returned to the bus stop, he found his friend dead.

Although many have argued that alcohol and durian is a lethal mixture, there is no scientific evidence to conclude that it is a deadly combination.