DECEMBER 24 — The children of the ensuing time to come, take their place as the shimmering ‘mise en scène’ at the centrestage of democracy. The ideal Malaysian future, when seen through a hopeful lens, is for all of us irrespective of race and religion, to be ensconced with the right to see each other as truly equal. Already in Malaysia’s politics, the tactics of politicians have been exposed; resorting to rhetoric that deliberately touches on race and religion as a conduit for strategic character assassinations in order to gain the slightest advantage over the other. When should the Malaysian youth expect such the country’s political landscape to be freed from the shackles of abjection and the bombardment of perilous projectiles from the empty mouths of divisive political leaders who spew bigotry, transgression and discrimination?

It is my hope that the youth will see through such meaningless tactics in order to usher in genuine and transformational change. For the youth are the nation’s most venerated commodity, as it is their unquestionable enthusiasm for change that will give birth to a future analogous to that of a calm lake, where souls can swim ‘en masse’ peacefully without igniting the flames of resentment and racial tensions. It is only when they remain implacably opposed to the provocation of racial sensitivities that Malaysia will undoubtedly transition into a time where we, as a people, are able to bring change to a country with an atmosphere of unpredictability.

A boy waves the national flag in a park at Cheras August 10, 2022. — Picture by Devan Manuel
A boy waves the national flag in a park at Cheras August 10, 2022. — Picture by Devan Manuel


I pray for a future where Malaysians are uncompromisingly tolerant of each other’s differences — a day where we relinquish hateful rhetoric that haemorrhages the mind and soul — an end to the corruption of the fragile minds of our youth.

Democracy is to be celebrated in its capacity for celebrating meritocracy and not institutional condescending of the races. I can only imagine, the overwhelming cascade of tears streaming down my cheek as I leap with excitement to finally see hatred vanquished into an unwanted dimension, away from the Malaysian political landscape. It must be held in the hearts of all Malaysians that the strenuous metamorphosis of a nation’s tolerance towards racial harmony lies first in the passion of the youth to voice out their anathema of racialist culture. Their mellifluous voices are the quintessential aria in the crowded theatre of mega diversity we call Malaysia, they are not to be fallen on deaf ears. For they can move the mountains of a nation.

However, the question still triumphantly stands, what is their solemn duty to protect the sanctity of peace between the races? It is within the lengths they are willing to go to, to stand in solidarity against any ideology that appeals to the baser, tribalistic and primitive instincts of human nature — the sort that cause people to become fanatically rabid in their prejudice of people who are classified as the “other.”


Silencing the underlings of this country dilutes the currency of racial harmony, the youth must be afforded opportunities to have a voice in the political arena. Their combined strength in distilling the racial Armageddon is what’s needed for a better future. It is up to the youth to thoroughly dispose of the pernicious use of the race card. The education of our youth in the hope of priming them to be more resistant to racial brainwashing is the panacea to the pernicious serpent that is mass moral corruption before it may draw out its poisonous fangs, blaspheming what the Malaysian people hold so religiously with its merciless wrath — racial harmony. Sacrilegious attempts to rob the country of what was once so stridently fought for by our forefathers threatens to disassemble the very foundations of the nation.

The burden that lay mounted on the shoulder of the younger generation is to be carried stridently as they hike the arduous journey towards peace. The burden lying in nudging one another branches to spread awareness of the social stratosphere, to highlight potential issues that desecrate Malaysia’s assent into progressive democracy. The youth will remind Malaysians to cherish the beautiful aurora of Malaysia’s racial skyline when it is obfuscated by dark clouds.

The onus is also on the Malaysian leadership to encourage the voices of youth to oppose racial politicking. Just as Prometheus, in ancient Greek mythology, uplifted humanity by bestowing upon them the gift of fire previously only accessible to the gods of Olympus, so too ought those in power to bestow upon the youth the power to vociferously to voice racial politicking — a privilege once confined only to political parties as the youth were plastered with the label of being “immature.” Perhaps it is through the younger generation that we finally see the race card be put to rest. The voyage to shield racial harmony from disintegration will not be an easy task but the future of Malaysia’s social cohesion depends on precisely that. Dear young people, you’re all we have left.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or organisation and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.