SAN FRANCISCO, March 30 — Big name looter-shooter Borderlands 3 has received its first trailer ahead of a release date announcement on April 3. Check out what we can learn about its characters, vehicles, weapons, augmentations and plotline from the all-action debut.

Two new villains, smirking siblings Tyreen and Troy Calypso, head up the trailer. Tyreen is one of six living women whose ability to channel a cosmic energy makes them a Siren with demi-godlike powers.

Uniquely, brother Troy has red markings indicating that he may have found a route into harnessing those powers.

Four new player-characters are also presented, aligning with previous leaks.

Amara, with the physique of a female MMA fighter, is another Siren, and one of gaming’s rare characters from the Indian sub-continent (or whatever the Borderlands equivalent would be).

Zane, with his cyborg enhancements, can deploy a clone; robo-hobo Flak has three tamed beasts at his command; Moze has a walking tank with space for an extra ally on top.

Where Borderlands 2 had custom paint jobs for its cars and trucks, Borderlands 3 looks like it will have custom parts, with one truck toting a jet exhaust, another hover wheels.

The trailer also showed off a new transport, the rugged monocycle, and a new look for its nimble single-person buggies.

Weapon complexity
The Borderlands games offer players a huge number of weapon variations — double-figure millions — by mixing and matching parts behind the scenes to keep the novelty factor high.

Super-fast montages featured some of the new game’s armory, introducing what looked like flamethrowers, energy weapons, pump-action shotguns, and more, all with more complex construction, and leading to the claim that the game would feature 1 billion guns.

Replacement limbs have become a Borderlands trend. In Borderlands 2, game hunter Hammerlock had a bionic arm and leg. Now we see Troy Calypso, friendly mechanic Ellie and, curiously, Borderlands 2 character Maya, all sporting bionic arms.

Anti-tattoo policy
There’s one scene in which a known Borderlands Siren has lost her distinctive markings and, it would seem, her powers. With Troy and Tyreen congratulating each other in the background, red-haired Lilith from Borderlands and Borderlands 2 crawls away, looking rather drained and lacking her customary Siren tats.

This could reveal the third game’s story, with Troy and Tyreen siphoning Siren powers for themselves, and players working to combat that new, more powerful threat together. — AFP-Relaxnews