KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 2 — Taiwanese hip hop group Machi member Andrew Chou has apologised after a clip surfaced online showing him invading into a woman's personal space.

Taking to his Instagram, the 32-year-old confirmed that it was him in the five-minute clip taken in a wig shop in Taiwan and blamed his erratic behaviour on a manic episode.

“To be honest, I have never known how to handle stress and frustration. As a result, I have been under great pressure for a long period of time, and I did not face this issue well. I just felt weak, depressed, and unable to muster up any energy,” he wrote.

A post shared by 周立銘MDD (@mddandrewchou)

He went on to explain that he was not his usual self, as he had just received news that a family member had been hospitalised and was severely ill in US.

To make matters worse, his personal computer had been hacked and all his personal data had been wiped out.

Chou's official YouTube account had also been banned, and he also lost access to his investment accounts which contained not only his personal funds, but money that had been entrusted to him by family and friends.

This resulted in him not sleeping for more than a week before the unfortunate incident.

After his condition stabilised, he was taken to the doctors for checks where he had been diagnosed as having a manic episode following an accumulation of stress and trauma.

Chou said he barely remembered what transpired in the wig shop except recalling feeling extremely thirsty and needing to drink water.

“I am extremely sorry for frightening her by reaching my hands out towards her.

“After I sat down and drank the water, I left the shop immediately. However, after seeing the video, I was frightened by my own actions.

“I am extremely, extremely, apologetic for terrifying her. At the same time, I am really thankful that she was willing to give me a glass of water when I was not in the right state of mind, and in need of help.”

He hoped with the explanation, speculations about his actions on that day would stop as he had no ill intention at all.

Prior to Chou's statement, the woman had shared on her social media that the incident occurred on July 16, 8days reported.

She decided to post the video on social media as she suspected the man to be a public figure.