GEORGE TOWN, Jan 5 — One of the world’s leading internet exchange platforms, DE-CIX, today launched the Penang Internet Exchange (PIX) as a central hub for data exchange.

PIX, the result of a collaboration between DE-CIX Malaysia and Digital Penang, is to localise internet traffic exchange within Penang.

Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said the strategic localisation of internet traffic exchange in Penang will reduce network latency for internet users.

“It will ensure a faster online experience for all Penangites,” he said in his speech.

He said PIX will allow for internet exchange with over 100 countries worldwide.

He said this enhanced connectivity will attract content providers, content delivery networks and various other internet-related businesses to Penang.

“These investments will play a vital role in fostering the adoption of the latest digital applications including the Internet of Things, Virtual reality and Indusry 4.0,” he said.

DE-CIX Malaysia board member Wong Weng Yew said the PIX platform is connected to other DE-CIX platforms worldwide.

“Penang will become part of the ecosystem that connects to the global DE-CIX system with over 3,400 data centres,” he said.

PIX will also allow for a lower latency that could be less than one millisecond, which is crucial for many applications used by businesses.

“We are starting with 10 founding members and we are targeting to grow to 50 networks in three years,” he said.

Wong said they will be investing around RM20 million for the infrastructure of the project over the next 10 years.

“The investment will include establishing an academy to teach the know-how on how to use this Swiss Army knife of connectivity,” he said.