KUCHING, May 26 — Around 4,000 part-time journalists or stringers working with media organisations will be among the groups of media practitioners set to receive benefits to be announced during the highlight of the three-day National Journalists’ Day (Hawana) tomorrow.

In disclosing this, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said that there are approximately 14,000 journalists with media accreditation cards issued by the Information Department, allowing them to attend official government events.

“And I found that there are around 4,000 journalists who fall under the term stringers or part-timers. They don’t work full-time; they work part-time. But the reality in this media field is that they are part-time all the time.

“I see this group as one we need to help now. One of the ones we believe we need to help now is the group of stringers in terms of welfare; this is one of the areas,” he said while answering a question from the floor during the ‘Jelajah Hawana Bersama Siswa 2024’ programme held at the Sarawak Library Auditorium here yesterday.

Fahmi added that he is also looking into the requests by many reporters who are always on the field for better internet packages.

“So this is something we are currently reviewing.

“For these good news updates, follow the Majlis Kemuncak Hawana on Monday, and InsyaAllah, the Premier of Sarawak, the Prime Minister, and I will be there, and there will be, InsyaAllah, some good announcements for media friends at that time,” he said. — The Borneo Post