RAWANG, May 10 — Less than two weeks after its launch, DarSa Fried Chicken (DFC) said today it has reassigned its Facebook administrator after accusing the Chinese community of sabotaging it.

The brand, which touts itself as Muslim-owned, said the decision was made since the staff did not have enough experience to handle and manage social media.

“Hence, we have taken actions against the admin and transferred her to another department. such actions do not reflect the values held by DFC.

“We apologised to those who were affected by her action and we will focus on improving and elevating the industry that we are currently in,” its chief executive, Mohammad Faiz Zuhdi Azahar, said in a press conference as its first and sole outlet here.


Mohammad Faiz further assured its customers that such incident would not happen again, and downplayed any allegation of the chain playing up racial and religious issues.

He also added that the management has since hired a more experienced team to manage its social media accounts.

Recently, the local brand received backlash after accusing the ethnic Chinese of sabotage using the euphemism “Type C” in a Facebook comment.


The comment was made in response to a complaint by a customer that the prices of their chicken are too expensive and no better than other chains such as KFC.

On Tuesday, DFC had apologised for the comment on its social media platforms — but failed to assuage criticisms from both political divides.

Both DAP and MCA have criticised the brand for attempting to cash in on racial sentiments amid calls to boycott the popular chain KFC.

DAP's Rawang assemblyman Chua Wei Kiat in a social media post had suggested that he would stay clear of the brand, while MCA Youth vice-chief Tan Yang Pang had asked for action from authorities citing the brand of “stirring public resentment against the Chinese community”.

DFC is named after its owner Yayasan Darul Sajidin founded by Islamic teacher Muhd Zainul Asri Mohd Romli. who said the chain was established to fund the Islamic schools run by the foundation.