LABUAN, March 2 ― Labuan Immigration enforcement officials nabbed six foreign nationals without valid travel documents between February 29 and March 1.

Labuan Immigration Department director Raymond Entalai highlighted that the arrests, based on intelligence gathered by the department, underscore ongoing efforts to address illegal immigration concerns.

“We will persist with the crackdown on undocumented immigrants as we are resolute on eradicating their presence on the island,” he told Bernama today.

During the initial operation on February 29, screening 49 individuals encompassing both men and women resulted in the detention of five, aged 11 to 66.

On March 1, only one person was detained out of the 32 screened, according to Raymond.

The detainees, currently held at the Labuan Immigration Depo, are being investigated under the Immigration Act 1959/63.

Raymond reiterated that the Immigration Department will not tolerate any abuse of work permits or instances of overstaying on the island. ― Bernama