KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 11 — DAP veteran Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang today said he will give his statement to the police over his non-Malay prime minister remarks in a recent speech.

He said he had no intention of being provocative as it is stated in the Federal Constitution.

“I will meet the police in the next few days on my remarks to Malaysian students in Manchester at the end of last month.

“I was accused of making provocative remarks when I said that the Malaysian Constitution provides that a non-Malay can be a prime minister.

“There was no such intention,” he said in a statement.

Lim said the Malaysian Constitution is a non-provocative document, the basis on which Malaysian unity must be founded.

“I believe one way for Umno to establish its relevance to the Malay race and the Malaysian nation is to return to original nation-building principles as championed by the first three prime ministers of Malaysia who were also Umno presidents, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein.

“I believe that Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak and Tun Hussein were not being provocative when they supported and provided in the Malayan and later the Malaysian Constitution that a non-Malay could be a prime minister of Malaysia,” he said.

He also said that at present, the statement that a non-Malay could be prime minister of Malaysia is a “statement of fact”, and not a “statement of reality”.

Last month, Lim, in his speech, said he hopes that it would not take long for Malaysia to appoint a non-Malay prime minister.

He cited US history where it took 230 years for a Black American to become the president.

“I hope that Malaysia will not take 230 years for a non-Malay to become a prime minister, but in the next 100 years, I do not expect this to happen,” Lim said in his speech.

However, he brushed off the chances of a non-Malay being appointed as prime minister in the present circumstances as “not possible.”