KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 — The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) has suggested that the civil service salary payment for this month be brought forward to April 14.

Its president, Datuk Adnan Mat said this would allow civil servants to make preparations for the Aidilfitri celebrations, that is expected to begin on April 22.

"Cuepacs is confident that the government is capable of implementing this matter as it isn’t a complex process to provide this to its own employees.

"Cuepacs also urges employers in the private sector to do so as to ensure their employees’ welfare,” he said when contacted by Bernama today, adding that Cuepacs hoped that the early payment would include the Aidilfitri special financial aid of RM700 scheduled to be paid on April 17.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was reported to have said yesterday that the government would consider paying the civil service April salary earlier to prepare for Aidilfitri celebrations.

Adnan said Cuepacs appreciated the Prime Minister’s concern as the early salaries would be a relief to civil servants.

"Especially for those returning to their hometowns ... they can buy things earlier compared to the last minute in the last week of Ramadan,” he added. — Bernama