KOTA BARU, Nov 10 — The Communications and Multimedia Ministry (K-KOMM) has established a task force with immediate effect to monitor fake news on social media during the 15th general election (GE15).

Its caretaker minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa said the team consisted of more than 100 personnel from the Royal Malaysia Police and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

“The police have made an application to me for this task force to be provided with the necessary devices to combat fake news on social media and I have approved this,” he said after officiating the eSports Keluarga Malaysia @Ketereh programme at the Kelantan Poverty Foundation (YKK) Complex in Melor here today.

Annuar said once fake news is detected, the task force will act swiftly to remove them without having to wait for a report.

“To wait for reports and to investigate is not really suitable at a time when elections are being held because candidates can be victims (of fake news), and it would be very damaging to them.

“As such, the task force will be allowed to take immediate action,” he added.

Annuar also urged the public to report to the MCMC if they come across slanderous or fake news on social media.

“The spread of fake news can bring about negative implications, and if allowed to continue, it could cause victims to be under pressure to the extent of some even resorting to suicide,” he said. — Bernama