KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 5 — Former Batu MP Chua Tian Chang today returned to this parliamentary seat to contest in the 15th general election (GE15).

As one of the founding members of PKR, Chua however said he is always in spirit with PKR and confirmed he has not quit the party.

He said he is ready to face any action by the party leadership for contesting in Batu despite not being PKR’s official pick.

Speaking to reporters, Chua who is better known as Tian Chua, said he had decided to contest in Batu again, to fulfill a promise he had made to Batu voters in the 14th general election (GE14) in 2018 when he was unable to contest then due to a “conspiracy.”

“It is quite a difficult decision because I’m in a dilemma, whether I comply with the party’s wishes which had decided not to field me as a candidate or I go against my promise to Batu,” he said.

“I feel as an MP with integrity and sincerity, I am forced to choose the public’s wishes,” he said when explaining why he had decided to be a Batu candidate.

Chua said he would not leave behind PKR’s principles and ideals, and said he does not place the blame on anyone and continues to respect PKR’s leadership headed by president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and deputy president Rafizi Ramli.

Later, Chua said PKR is a party which he has “strong emotional attachment” to.

“I love and support all the leaders of PKR despite whatever internal differences we have. I believe all PKR leaders are in the same direction.

“I know that physically in this Batu constituency, I’m not part of the candidate list. In spirit, I’m always with PH, always with PKR.

“I’m prepared to accept the action by the party, but for now, I hope that we focus on winning this election, defeat BN and hopefully we can reassert the sovereignty of the people.

“We can sort out our differences and my own position is not so important, whether PKR wants to take action against me or whatever decision they make, I’m willing to accept,” he said.

He arrived at around 8am near the nomination centre to a crowd of around 100 supporters who shouted “Hidup Tian Chua!”

The supporters wore white shirts bearing his face and the words “I’m back” at the front, and the words “Tian Chua for Batu” at the back.

Incumbent Batu MP P. Prabakaran is PKR’s candidate for the seat in GE15.