KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 — Police are in discussions with the Attorney General’s Chambers to push for heavier penalties against those involved in drug-fuelled ‘wild parties’.

Bukit Aman Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) director Datuk Ramli Din said currently, those convicted for such offences are penalised under Section 15(1) (a) of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 for administering drugs into their bodies.

“Police found that a lot of drugs are used in these parties, especially ganja and ketamine, and we are discussing with the Attorney General’s Chambers how heavier penalties can be meted out.

“These wild parties are not only happening in the cities but in semi-urban areas as well,” he said in a media conference in Bukit Aman today, when asked on the rising number of such parties of late.

In addition, Ramli said the NCID needs more personnel to ensure the fight against the drug menace can be enforced effectively.

NCID’s manpower of about 5,000 personnel and officers is not sufficient to win the fight against the nation’s top enemy, he said, adding that the (drug) problem was in fact worsening.

“The situation is getting more challenging and the NCID needs more strengthening in terms of personnel and officers,” he said. — Bernama