KUCHING, April 24 — Sarawak recorded another nine more positive coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases today, pushing its total to 468 since the first case was registered on March 13, State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah said today.

He said Kuching District, which yesterday recorded zero cases, today recorded seven cases, while Samarahan and Serian Districts each recorded one case.

“Another 17 positive cases have recovered after receiving treatment and then discharged from government hospitals,” he said in his daily media briefing on the updates of Covid-19 situation in the state.

He said out of the 17 cases, 12 are from Kuching District, four from Samarahan District and one from Betong District.

He said to-date a total of 148 positive cases in Sarawak have recovered after treatment while 297 other cases are still being treated at the government hospitals, including seven in the intensive care unit.

Uggah, who is also the deputy chief minister, said 147 cases of persons-under-investigation (PUI) are recorded today, bringing the total number to 4,264 to-date.

He said 499 other PUI cases are awaiting laboratory test results.

Uggah also announced that 50 healthcare workers from the Kuching District have been confirmed as Covid-19 positive cases.

He said 20 of them are related to the Kuching Church conference and the rest are from several smaller clusters.

Uggah said the 20 healthcare workers did not create any clusters at the Sarawak General Hospital.

He also announced that the Divisions of Mukah, Sarikei, Sibu and Limbang as having been upgraded to green zones as they have not recorded any positive cases over the last 14 days.

Kapit Division has been a green zone as it has never recorded any positive case since the first case was detected in Sarawak on March 13.

“I wish to remind the people in these green divisions to follow the instructions which have been issued under the movement control order earlier as we are still in a war against the spread of Covid-19,” he said.