KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — The Malaysia Basketball Association (MABA) has taken responsibility for wrongly displaying a Malaysian flag with a five-pointed star during its 28th Lum Mun Chak Cup competition.

The Malaysian flag has a 14-pointed star to symbolise the country’s 14 states and federal territories while the five-pointed star is reminiscent of China’s flag, which uses it to signify the country’s unification under its Communist Party.

“During the ceremony, our live broadcast team accidentally displayed the wrong Malaysia flag on our stadium TV screen.

“We apologise for this mistake, and we take full responsibility for such actions. Please forgive us, as we are always striving to grow and develop the sport of basketball in Malaysia,” the association said in a statement.

Aside from the star, the flag displayed during the opening ceremony of the competition and broadcast live also featured 10 stripes instead of the correct 14.

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah said the matter required further investigation notwithstanding the MABA’s explanation regarding the mistake.

While demanding stern action, he insisted it was not because of political and national affiliations.

“The fact is this is a mistake that requires firm action to be taken,” he explained.