KUCHING, Oct 25 — Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri James Masing today stressed that there is an urgent need to construct the security road network along the Sarawak-Kalimantan border, now that the Indonesian government has decided to relocate its national capital to East Kalimantan by 2024.

He said the road network is vital for local connectivity and international access.

“It will also help safeguard our territory as well as protecting our multi-billion ringgit assets, especially the Sabah-Sarawak Gas Pipeline (SSGP) and the state’s four hydroelectric power (HEP) dams, which are situated close to the international border,” he said.

He added with a total border road length of an estimated 1,032km and feeder roads of 610km the grand total cost is estimated to be RM24 billion with implementation from 2020 to 2030 and beyond.

Masing, who is also state minister of infrastructure and port development, said the border security road network has been planned to start from Biawak to Serikin and Engkilili passing through Lubok Antu, Long Silat, Long Banga, Bario, Ba’Kelalan, Long Semado, Long Sukang and end in Lawas town.

The proposed route of the border security road network.
The proposed route of the border security road network.

He said an in-depth study on the proposed border road network should be carried out with priority given to four sections — Baleh section and feeder road, Engkilili/Lubok Antu and Batang Ai section, Tebedu access road R5 upgrading and Baram Section and Tinjar feeder road.

He added that the road network aims not only to provide connectivity to the highland region along the border of Sarawak and Kalimantan but also to allow access for the rich national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Earlier, Masing was briefed on the border security road network programme by Assistant Director (Corporate Planning Branch) of the state Public Works Department (JKR) Norman Jan.

A mini lab was conducted two days ago and it discussed matters related to developing the proposed border security road network.

The session was attended by members from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development (MIPD), Economic Planning Unit (EPU) Sarawak, Majlis Keselamatan Negara, Immigration Department, Royal Customs Department, Resident and District Offices, Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB), Forest Department and JKR.

The lab raised several suggestions to formulate the way forward for the project such as the State Socio-Economic Transformation Plan (2016-2030), the 12th Malaysia Plan Strategic Thrusts and connecting the rural communities, tourism assets, existing border entry points and border security areas.