KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 ― Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad launched today the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government’s roadmap for Malaysia to progress as a nation towards becoming a real Asian tiger once more within a span of just 10 years.

The main aim of the Shared Prosperity Vision (SPV) is to provide a decent living standard to all Malaysians ― regardless of their ethnicity, social class and location ― by the year 2030.

To reach this goal, the PH government has outlined three key objectives.

First is by restructuring the economy to be knowledgeable-based that all groups can participate in at all levels and develop together to be more progressive.

Second is to address the income gap so no one is left behind. This takes into account the ethnic differences, social classes, and regions within Malaysia.

Third is build Malaysia to be united and prosperous so it can be the new centre of Asia.

To light the path ahead, the government has come up with 15 guiding principles, as below:

― Distributed economy

― Needs-based approach

― Democracy and stability

― Continuous prosperity

― Inclusivity

― Institutional political economy

― Integrity and good governance

― Equitable outcome

― Learning society

― Integrated social model

― Unity in diversity

― Equitable growth

― Future economy

― Asia economic axis

― Sovereignty and sustainability

And to enable the country towards its goal, the government has eight focus points:

― Fiscal sustainability ― Sustainable management of government finance to strengthen market and investor confidence

― Education and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ― Increasing skilled workforce, a consistent learning society and outcome-based education

― Financial capital ― expanding businesses through holistic and SME-friendly financing

― Big data ― Using data and empirical facts under a unified system to guide policy making

― Effective institutional delivery ― Improve implementation of initiatives and outcome-based programmes

― Sustainability ― Eco-friendly development focused on conserving and preserving natural resources

― Governance and integrity ― Strengthening governance through transparency and accountability to deepen public trust

― Enlightened society ― Lifelong learning to foster intellectual discussions, experience sharing and empathy

The seven strategic thrusts in the SPV are:

― Business and industry ecosystem

― Key economic growth activities

― Human capital development

― Labour market and compensation of employees

― Improving social wellbeing

― Regional inclusion

― Social capital

There are 15 proposed key economic activities:

― Malaysia as an Islamic hub

― Digital economy

― Industrial revolution 4.0

― Asean hub

― Making Malaysia a halal and food hub

― Commodity Malaysia 2.0

― Logistics, transportation and sustainable mobility

― Coastal and maritime economy

― Centres of excellence

― Renewable energy

― Green economy

― Smart and high-value agriculture

― Advanced and modern services

― Malaysia truly Asia

The government will create eight indices to measure its progress and ensure holistic and equitable development for all. They are:

― Unity index

― Integrity and anti-corruption index

― Religious harmony index

― Health index

― Environment and climate change index

― Anti-drug index

― Crime prevention index

― Neighbourhood harmony index