KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 8 — The Philippine government is looking into the incident of the public burning of a Malaysian flag in the Philippines that was featured in a video clip, the Philippine Embassy here said today.

It said in a statement that the government authorities in Manila would deal with the matter accordingly.

“The embassy does not condone the incident and deeply regrets that the incident has offended the feelings of Malaysians. The Embassy reiterates its assurance that it is firmly committed to the development of the excellent bilateral relations between the Philippines and Malaysia,” it said.

According to the statement, the flag-burning incident was committed by a private individual who was known to have done many controversial things in the past and his action does not represent the official position of the Philippines.

The controversial video published in the Facebook account of ‘President Pamatong Supporters’ last January 19 and 21, showed Elly Pamatong, who has been described as the self-proclaimed founder of the United States Allied Freedom Fighters of the East (USAFFE), burning a Malaysian flag.

In Kota Kinabalu, the Association of Sabah People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) Members condemned the burning of the flag.

Its president, Brig Gen (Hon) Datuk Jerry Ambuting Mohd Said said it was an outrageous act and an insult to Malaysia and Malaysians.

“We do not want the incident to tarnish the good relations between Malaysia and the Philippines,” he said. — Bernama